Marathi Association Sydney Inc presents


Ticket Booking

Pricing includes food
Friday: Afternoon tea, dinner,
Saturday/Sunday: Breakfast, afternoon tea, lunch, dinner

Ticket TypeBasic PriceEarly Bird DiscountMASI Member DiscountFinal Price
3 days Gold$430$20$10$400
(Total Saving $30)
3 days Silver$330$20$10$300
(Total Saving $30)
3 days Bronze$230$20$10$200
(Total Saving $30)
One day Friday & Saturday together$160NANA$160
One day Sunday$150NANA$150

SCHEDULE FOR 25, 26, 27th APRIL 2025

Friday, 25th April 2025Registration and Opening
Local Sydney Programs
Interstate Programs
Saturday, 26th April 2025Local Sydney Programs
Interstate Programs
Breakout Sessions / Workshops / Interviews
Sunday, 27th April 2025Special AAMS program
Interstate Programs
Overseas Programs
Breakout Sessions / Workshops / Interviews

  1. After you click the button the seating chart will appear with all ticket options.
  2. Select the seat you wish to book.
  3. A popup box will appear which enables to a select if you are a MASI member or non masi member.
  4. Based on the selection appropriate ticket cost will show up (MASI members will get a discount on top of early bird discount)
  5. Click Add to cart
  6. Proceed to the next seat and repeat the process.
  7. Once all seats are booked – click GO TO CART button at the bottom right
  8. Next the checkout page appears –
  9. Add all attendee information
  10. Next make a payment – by Selecting PayPal
  11. You do not need a paypal account to pay – on the PayPal popup – select Pay by card option to pay by credit card.
  12. Early bird discount applies to all tickets booked before 15th Feb 2025.
  13. Ticket Types:
    • Season ticket – for 3 days
      • Options: Gold, Silver and Bronze
      • MASI members will get a discount on top of early bird discount
    • One day ticket
      • Options: Friday and Saturday (as one ticket), Sunday
      • Will not have any MASI discount or Early bird discount.
      • Chair are fixed to the steps at the back of the halls.
  14. All kids below 5 years will be free but will also not get a separate chair.
  15. Please read all the Terms and Conditions before booking the tickets. By booking your tickets you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  16. For any issues, questions or further information please email